


Redmine 6.0.0 is now available

BĂLTEANU Marius4 个月 之前添加

Redmine version:“6.0.0” has been released and it is available for download on our [[Download]]. This version ships 146 new features and bug fixes and some of them being major improvements that will help us continue improving Redmine:

1. Rails and Ruby support:
  • Redmine 6 has been upgraded to Rails 7.2 (#36320) which is the latest Rails version
  • Ruby 3.3 is now supported (#39761)
  • Spport for Ruby 2.7 and 3.0 has been dropped (#38585)
2. Asset pipeline integration using Propshaft has been enabled (#39111):
  • Redmine assets have been moved from public to app/assets to comply with the Rails standard
  • Assets are automatically recompiled in production mode when updates are found in order to not require an additional command, but you can disable this behavior from configuration (config.assets.redmine_detect_update)
  • [breaking change] Themes are now loaded from themes in the project root instead of public/themes, please update your installation accordingly. Being a trivial change, we do not provide any rake task to make this change automatically.
3. Support for Markdown has been removed (#40149):
  • All installations using the deprecated Markdown (based on Redcarpet) are switched to CommonMark automatically by a migration
  • Since these rendering engines differ slightly, you may need to review and adjust some existing Markdown content to ensure it displays correctly
4. Icons have been replaced with SVG icons provided by Tabler (#23980):
  • Icons are served from a sprite file (icons.svg)
  • To help render the icons, a new helper class has been added (app/helper/icons_helper.rb). Most of the methods are using svg_sprite method which allows various configurations, settings the size or to render an icon provided by a plugin or from a different sprite file
  • Plugins that add items in the menu can also specify the icons from their own sprite file
  • Both old images and custom CSS style are still shipped in version:"6.0.0" to make the transition easier, but it will be removed as follow:
    • CSS styles from app/assets/stylesheets/application.css: in version:“6.1.0”
    • Old icon images: in version 7.0.0
  • Please open new issues if you find any icon that is still using the old design, we will ship the updates in the first maintenance release
  • rake test (icons:*) has been added to download icons from Tabler based on a configuration file. The task also supports generating a sprite from the downloaded icons.
5. UI tweaks:
  • Default font family have been changed to Noto Sans font (#41321)
  • Refined UI with updated box styling and border colors (#41298)
  • Header design slightly changed (#41266)
  • CSS font-size units from px to rem to respect browser font settings (#2499)
6. New features and enhancements, some of them being long awaited features:
  • Sidebar is collapsible and the state is saved in browser local storage (#21808)
  • Estimated remaining time has been added as query column and in the version page (#38853)
  • Quoting an existing text now supports partial quoting in issues and forums (#41294)
  • Description can be added now to queries (#9309)
  • Add “Author / Previous assignee” group to assignee dropdown in issue form (#16045)
  • Support localized decimal separator for hours in the web UI (#21677) and for float values (#22024)
  • Adds Last activity date to Project list available columns (#23954). You cannot sort for now by this column
7. API changes:
  • updated_on and updated_by added to Journal response
  • User status added to User list response (#38948) and auth_source added to User response (#23307)
9. Security improvement: User visibility changed from “all” to “member of visible projects” for new roles and existing builtin roles (#38853):
  • We did this to improve the default setting and to decrease the probability to disclose login accounts to the public when a project is public. If you need to get back to previous behavior, you need to explicitly set User visibility back to “All” for the builtin roles.

For a detailed overview of all the improvements and fixes, please refer to the [[Changelog]].

With this release, Redmine 4.2.x became unsupported and Redmine version:“5.0.11” is the latest version of Redmine 5.0-branch, after that it will receive only important security updates.

I’m very happy that we finally have been able to ship some of the new features that I’ve mentioned. I thank everyone involved in this release for their work and time, especially to user:tohosaku for his work on #36320 and #39111, user:maeda and his team for their active development and many other contributors.


Nakamura Kohei4 个月 之前添加

It’s great!
We can’t wait for this day.

Thanks to the Redmine development team!

soda ryou4 个月 之前添加

I was looking forward to this day.

Thanks to Redmine development team!

Hampe Liane4 个月 之前添加

Thank you for your hard work and for making a significant impact on the continued success of this open-source project.

The dedication of both the community and the development team is truly outstanding.

Thank you all very much!

Kadoya Hirofumi4 个月 之前添加


Hartmann Fernando4 个月 之前添加

Congrats !

Caron Vincent4 个月 之前添加

Thanks a lot for your indefectible work !

BĂLTEANU Marius4 个月 之前添加

Redmine version:“6.0.1” was just released and it contains an important fix, please take a look on the release notes.

Gretsky Ivan4 个月 之前添加

Good day and thanks for the release!

I am finally about to test all the new goodies!

On the [[RedmineInstall]] page Mysql 8.0 - 8.1 are presented as recommended databases. Nothing about it in this article. Maybe I am missing some other release notes or similar? Please link those docs if they are available. A couple of questions anyway))

  1. Is 5.7 still a valid choice?
  2. Is there a manual to migrate existing installation from 5.7 to 8.0/8.1?
  3. Are there limitations to use 8.2 - 8.4 and 9+?
  4. Are there limitations to use MariaDB?