


插件 » Redmineup Tags 标签插件

Redmineup Tags


发布于: https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/tags
兼容于: Redmine 5.1.*,  5.0.*,  4.2.*,  4.1.*,  4.0.*,  3.4.*,  3.3.*,  3.2.*,  3.1.*,  3.0.*,  2.6.*

最新版本: 2.0.14 更新日期: 2024-07-20 14:19


标签是简短的描述性关键字,可帮助您对问题进行组织和分类。如下图该插件在Redmine 布局视图的sidebar部位增加按关键字分类的云标签。方便将issues按自定义的关键字分类。便于用户快速检索自己关注的内容。


  • 组织简单
  • 自定义标签
  • 简易性

Tag issues in a second
Just go to edit mode, and start typing the keyword that you want to add. Available existing tags will appear as you type. If you did not find what you were looking for, just hit enter and add it. It is that simple!

Three display modes
View all tags in one of three ways. Firstly, as an alphabetical list of items. Secondly, as a cloud of colorful tags. Finally, as a word cloud, where the size of tag corresponds the number of issues labeled with the tag. You can display or hide the number of issues using the tags

Easy access and management

Tags are available from the right column menu. You can see only tags for open, or both for open and closed issues. At the same time, their helps to categorize and contextualize issues in a less formal way than assigning to versions