


插件 » Redmine Reformat 强大的Redmine富文本转换工具

Redmine Reformat

Redmine Reformat 通过一套rake任务,实现Redmine富文本字段文本格式的灵活转换和批量格式处理。

发布于: https://github.com/orchitech/redmine_reformat
兼容于: Redmine 5.0.*, 4.2.*, 4.1.*, 4.0.*, 3.4.*

最新版本: 0.8.1 更新日期: 2023-03-16 14:54


  • 解压附件压缩包至redmine插件目录
  • bundle install
  • 重新启动redmine
  • 安装必要的依赖

举例 textile 转换成 html

bundle exec rake reformat:convert to_formatting=html

/Users/user/Documents/svndata/redmine/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:1001: warning: already initialized constant ApplicationHelper::LINKS_RE
/Users/user/Documents/svndata/redmine/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:1001: warning: previous definition of LINKS_RE was here
Running with setup:
{:converters_json=>"(use default converters)",
All 1/1 workers started.
Comment: converting 0/0 non-blank [:comments] occurences of 0 total
Document: converting 0/0 non-blank [:description] occurences of 0 total
Issue: converting 4/4 non-blank [:description] occurences of 5 total
Issue: 4 / 4
JournalDetail[Issue.description]: converting 7/7 non-blank [:value, :old_value] occurences of 7 total
JournalDetail[Issue.description]: 7 / 7
Journal: converting 5/5 non-blank [:notes] occurences of 19 total
Journal: 5 / 5
Message: converting 0/0 non-blank [:content] occurences of 0 total
News: converting 0/0 non-blank [:description] occurences of 0 total
Project: converting 1/1 non-blank [:description] occurences of 4 total
Project: 1 / 1
WikiContent: converting 0/0 non-blank [:text] occurences of 0 total
Wiki versions: converting 0/0 historic content revisions
1/1 workers finished successfuly.
1/1 workers confirmed completion.
Progress monitoring finished.

如果使用 TextileToMarkdown 转换器,请 安装pandoc 。 其它格式转换不需要额外依赖