


插件 » Redmine Agile 敏捷开发插件

Redmine Agile

一款能管理你所有项目的插件,让你轻松运用业界成熟的最佳敏捷实践 - Scrum、看板及混合。使用敏捷图表,快速直观地查看监控项目的状态和进度,包括完工率、累计现金流、项目速度及交货时间等。

发布于: http://www.redmineup.com
兼容于: Redmine 5.1.*, 5.0.*, 4.2.*, 4.1.*, 4.0.*, 3.4.*, 3.3.*, 3.2.*, 3.1.*, 3.0.*, 2.6.*

最新版本: 1.6.9 更新日期: 2024-07-03 13:39


Redmine Agile 敏捷开发插件 插件包含付费专业版。与普通免费版插件不同专业版插件包含更丰富的功能,更符合实际生产应用环境需求。


1.6.9 (2024-05-08)

兼容性: Redmine 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*, 5.1.*

  • Updated charts.js lib
  • Fixed easygantt plugin compatibility
  • Fixed websockets bugs



1.6.8 (2024-02-16)

兼容性: Redmine 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*, 5.1.*

  • Fixed websockets bug



1.6.7 (2024-02-01)

兼容性: Redmine 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*, 5.1.*

  • Dropped Redmine 3 support
  • Added async board update
  • Added API for sprints
  • Updated zh-TW locale (Tomy Shen)
  • Updated Velocity chart caclulation
  • Fixed open sprint selection



1.6.6 (2023-11-23)

兼容性: Redmine 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*, 5.1.*

  • Redmine 5.1 compatibility
  • Added global Scrum board
  • Added sorting for Sprint column
  • Fixed permission check for Agile card spent time
  • Fixed Sprint bug in Issues bulk update
  • Fixed redmineup_tags compatibility
  • Fixed Story points for Issue bulk edit
  • Fixed Backlog hiding on empty board
  • Changed Velocity chart average calculation
  • Updated French locale (Brice Beaumensnil)



1.6.5 (2023-01-27)

兼容性: Redmine 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*

  • Added Hungarian translation (Krisztian Engi, Lilla Basilides)
  • Added SP totals into issues
  • Added API for agile_sprints
  • Updated Czech translation (Petr Stefan)
  • Updated German locale (Joachim Mathes)
  • Added Velocity chart by story points and hours



1.6.4 (2022-04-18)

兼容性: Redmine 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*

  • Redmine 5.0 compatibility fixes
  • Fixed agile subproject displaying error
  • Added closed sprints to filter



1.6.2 (2021-09-08)

兼容性: Redmine 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*

  • Added notification message for not available operations on Backlog board
  • Added subproject context menu
  • Added future data settings
  • Added sprint overlapping option
  • Removed default sprint id from chart board
  • Fixed sprint locale erro
  • Fixed backlog option saving
  • Fixed MSSQL double order error
  • Fixed close validation for sprint
  • Fixed extra load from board states
  • Fixed sprint drop for unpermitted user
  • Fixed form submit error


1.6.1 (2021-05-05)

兼容性: Redmine 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*, 4.2.*

  • Redmine 4.2 support
  • Added assignee group board filter
  • Added past Sprints
  • Added reset sprint on project change
  • Fixed missied table SQL error
  • Fixed empty data error
  • Fixed FCSV warning
  • Dropped Redmine <3.0 support


1.6.0 (2021-02-19)

兼容性: Redmine 2.6.*, 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*

  • Added Agile Sprint sharing
  • Fixed sprint/story points copy
  • Fixed sprint for on-board created sprints
  • Fixed initial install error
  • Fixed Sprint query save bug
  • Fixed chart dates interval
  • Fixed for all-projects query bug
  • Fixed chart empty dates bug
  • Fixed chart version bug
  • Fixed Backlog load-more bug
  • Fixed Agile board remarks
  • Fixed selected sprint bug
  • Fixed Agile board issues display bug
  • Fixed missed filters for old Redmine versions
  • Fixed empty watcher filter bug
  • Fixed workflow issue creation bug
  • Updated BR locale (Adriano J. Baptistella)
  • Updated pt-BR locale (Adriano J. Baptistella)


1.5.4 (2020-07-26)

兼容性: Redmine 2.6.*, 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Added “None” for Sprint in issue context menu
  • Updated zh-tw locale (Hsiao Chung Chiang)
  • Updated es locale (Manuel Alba Ortega)
  • Fixed agile sprint remaining bug
  • Fixed issue copy error
  • Fixed submit error for issue search field
  • Fixed future data in the charts
  • Fixed error with all closed issues
  • Fixed full screen board update bug
  • Fixed first day for Agile chart
  • Fixed chart query visibility bug
  • Fixed no version column bug
  • Fixed sub project sprint assignment
  • Fixed backlog column saving
  • Fixed “For all projects” chart bug


1.5.3 (2020-03-21)

兼容性: Redmine 2.6.*, 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3.*, 3.4.*, 4.0.*, 4.1.*

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Added grouping for agine status changes view
  • Added issue list sprint filter
  • German translation updated (Peter Schossig)
  • Added Italian translation (Marco Congia)
  • Fixed bug with context menu story points
  • Added validation for sprint open issues
  • Backlog tab default menu


1.5.2 (2020-02-24)

兼容性: Redmine

  • Agile Backlog 作为单独模块
  • 修复图表日期错误
  • 修复上下文菜单bug
  • 修复sprint卡片载入错误


1.4.12 (2020-01-03)

兼容性: Redmine

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.0 - 2.6
  • Fixed light version Redmine 4.0.3+ bug
  • Fixed swilanes sorting
  • Fixed version planing Load more bug


1.5.0 (2020-01-03)

兼容性: Redmine

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Agile sprints NEW
  • New Backlog tab NEW
  • Board types: Scrum and Kanban NEW
  • New lead time chart NEW
  • Totals for board and swimlanes NEW
  • Added board units NEW
  • Added board default chart NEW
  • Fixed chart caclulation bug
  • Fixed custom field js error


1.5.1 (2020-01-03)

兼容性: Redmine

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Added Sprint view permissions
  • Redmine 4.1 styles support
  • New Story points board setting
  • Hide Sprint field without available sprints
  • Modal edit styles cleanup
  • Fixed sprint charts bug
  • Fixed MySQL order by bug
